Serving at St. Mary & St. Rouis Church

“If anyone serves Me, let him follow Me; and where I am, there My servant will be also. If anyone serves Me, him My Father will honor”

John 12:26

Opportunities to Serve

Service is not restricted to those who work in the field of education, but it is necessary for all and of benefit to all. It is considered as one of the general spiritual means. It is a general spiritual principle that is required from all the faithful: the old and the young, the married and the celibate. The service, in its essence, is an expression of love that is stored in the heart towards God and people.

In our church there are various services:

  • Sunday School

  • Pre-Servants

  • Hymns School

  • Deaconship

  • Choir

  • Youth meeting

  • Family meeting

  • Food service

  • Cleaning service

  • Maintenance

If you are interested in serving, please reach out to