Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Yes, absolutely! We are a community made up of both people born Orthodox Christians and those who have converted to the faith. We are very comfortable with newcomers, inquirers, and visitors. Anyone who wishes to discover ancient Cop­tic Orthodox Christianity is welcome. If you have questions, the priest will be happy to answer them. So don’t be afraid to ask questions about what we do and why.

Can I visit if I am not Orthodox?

What should I wear?

The general rule for men and women is to dress appropriately, modestly and respectfully, as before the living God. Typically, men and women wear business casual attire.

There are several services. On Saturday evenings, the Evening Raising of Incense service (Vespers) is generally 30-45 minutes in length, followed by Midnight Praises that last around 60 minutes. On Sunday mornings, a similar service is celebrated before the Divine Liturgy. Afterwards, the Divine Liturgy is approximately 2 hours in length with an English sermon lasting about 15 minutes in between. Distribution of the Mystery of the Eucharist is towards the end.

How long is the service?

Who can take communion in the Coptic church?

The person who approaches the Holy Communion must be a Christian Orthodox believer, baptized in the Orthodox Church, and strongly believes in the transubstantiation of the Bread to the Body of Christ, and the mixture into the Precious Blood of Christ, and that the Communion is the actual Body and Blood of our Lord Jesus.

I’m new & not baptized in the Orthodox Church, can I receive communion?

Orthodox priests may only serve the Holy Eucharist to baptized members in good standing of the canonical Orthodox Church, who have recently confessed, and fasted before partaking of the Holy Eucharist. This is the ancient tradition of the Holy Church for the 2,000 years of its history. The Orthodox Church understands the Holy Eucharist as a mystery of the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, not simply as a memorial, or merely in a spiritual sense, as many other non-Orthodox Christians do. Rather than trying to accommodate to often varying “interpretations” or revisions of this and other doctrines of the ancient faith, we simply ask that you respect the ancient, apostolic tradition and join us in receiving the Eulogia (blessed bread), at the end of the Divine Liturgy.

What should I do during liturgy?

In the Coptic Orthodox Church, we invite the people to participate by singing along, standing, sitting, and signing themselves with the cross, as an outer sign of an inner reality. Although some of the hymns might be new to you, feel free to jump in. That will be the best way to learn. Don’t worry if you do not know when to sit or stand, you are free to sit or stand as much or as little as you are comfortable.

My question wasn’t answered on this page. Who can I contact?

For any questions you have, please reach out to Fr. Demetri Iskander at

(internal note: I think we will change this to the church generic email, even if it is monitored by Fr. Demetri.)