Join us!

We’re a community with something for all ages.

Check out our church schedule and recurring programs and activities.

Church Schedule

Our main Liturgy takes place every Sunday from 8:00 AM-11:00AM.

Vespers take place every Saturday from 7:00PM-8:00PM followed by Midnight prayers.

Weekly Programs and Activities

Sunday School / Pre-Servant

  • Every Sunday 11:15AM to 12:15AM @ the Fellowship Hall, right after the Divine Liturgy.

 Youth Meeting

  • Every other week on Thursdays 7:00PM – 9:00PM @ the Fellowship Hall.

Hymns School

  • Hymns classes for all ages - Every Saturday 6PM – 7PM, right before Vesper’s prayers.

 Glory & Honor (Choir)

  • From 3rd Grade to HS - Every Saturday 7:30PM – 8:30PM, right after Vesper’s prayers.

 Bethany (Family Meeting – Arabic)

  • Once a month – See announcements.

Confession Scheduling

Click below to reserve a 30-min slot for confession with Fr. Demetri: