
“So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver”

2 Corinthians 9:7

How to Give

In Person

You can write a check made out to

“St. Mary and St. Rouis Coptic Orthodox Church”

and give it to our church Treasurer (Ramy Naguib Attaia).


Zelle: 901-410-7359

(St Mary And St Rouis Coptic Orthodox Church Memphis)

Venmo: @stmarymemphis

(St Mary And St Rouis Coptic Orthodox Church Memphis)


Please email

to receive an address for mailing in donations.

Tax Deductible

Please contact Ramy Naguib Attia (Treasurer) for any tax related questions at

The church reserves the right to allocate all donations as it sees fit to satisfy any of the needs of its members or its needs as an organization.